Annual Report 2019: Climate in the leading role

AVR strives to make a contribution towards a sustainable society that has an effect by extracting as much value as possible from the waste we process. And that contribution can be seen. AVR’s motto is the creation of a clean world in which nothing is wasted, and last year we once again worked hard towards this end. We experienced many great highpoints and faced some challenges. Together they led to our annual social and financial results. 


8 April, 2020

We would like to look back together and share with pride our 2019 Annual Report: Climate in the leading role.

Highlights of 2019

In 2019 AVR reaped the benefits of the major investments during the previous year.

CO2 capture plant

The CO2 capture plant in Duiven went into service in August and since then has extracted 10,000 tons of CO2 from the flue gases for useful application. A measurable AVR contribution towards the targets the Netherlands has set for further CO2 reduction in the coming years.

Separation plant

Another important milestone was the opening of the waste separation plant in Rozenburg that separates plastics and drinks cartons from residual waste. In this start-up year the plant separated 19 million kilo of plastic – a worthwhile contribution towards the ambitious recycling targets of the Dutch municipalities and packaging industry.

Total Plant Shutdown

In the autumn the Rozenburg facility had a planned maintenance stop. This Total Plant Shutdown went precisely according to plan and was a good step towards preventive maintenance. 

Operational challenges

We also faced some challenges. The composition of residual waste keeps changing. Ensuring the processing of this waste remains stable and the maximum possible energy is extracted from it demands constant attention, for example, to the acceptance and mixing of residual waste. Despite this AVR succeeded in achieving its financial targets.

Looking forward to 2020

In 2020 we will focus on organising our processes and how we work in a way that will enable us to go on supplying a stable performance. One key commitment for 2020 is to improve the reliability of our operating processes. Parallel to that AVR will continue working on making the Company more sustainable. In that context, one item high on our agenda is the construction of a CO2 capture plant in Rozenburg. We are also going to investigate how we can extend our supply of heat from Rozenburg and Duiven even further.

Corona crisis impact

At the time of publishing this Annual Report the Netherlands, and the rest of the world, is being affected by the corona virus. At this point in time what this will mean for AVR, as part of the vital waste sector, is still uncertain. We immediately implemented various measures in order to protect our employees’ health as far as possible while, for the time being, continuing our operations. Time will tell how the Netherlands emerges from this crisis and what impact it will have on the waste sector.

Integrated reporting with KPIs

This was just a small selection from the information in AVR’s 2019 Annual Report: Climate in the leading role. Please read through the complete Annual Report – it gives a good picture of our financial and social results. With this Report we have taken the next step towards a more integrated report with KPIs for the key material themes:

  • A safe working environment
  • CO2 emissions
  • Innovation
  • Reliability
  • Recycling
  • Renewable energy
  • Sustainable employability
  • Other emissions
  • Financial stability


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